Anne Mason

Anne Mason

Sales and Compliance Coordinator

What is your role at tlc?

Sales and Compliance Coordinator

What is your background?

I previously worked in fundraising for nearly ten years and prior to that I was a legal secretary, so hopefully I can bring some of my previous experience to my new role.

What values drive you?

I value integrity, in both my work and personal life.  Also kindness, the small pleasantries in life can make such a difference to you and those around you.

What are your objectives for tlc over the next 12 months?

To support my colleagues to be their best and give an exception service to the clients of tlc.

What do you enjoy doing outside of the office?

I enjoy getting lost in the V&A Museum, I definitely get full use of my membership.  I am originally a country girl, so love going home and catching up with friends and family in the beautifully Ribble Valley (I am a very proud Lancastrian).

What is your favourite song?

My taste in music has been described as eclectic.  My Spotify yearly wrapped is quite a mix so would not like to commit to just one favourite song.

What is one thing that might surprise people about you?

I think that I am quite an open book, however, people have been surprised that I studied Design Technology at University - lots of woodwork and metal work.  I am very handy if anyone has any flatpacks that need assembling or a bit of French polishing. 

If you could be any animal, what would you be?

I would like to be a Quokka, they just look so happy.

What are three things on your bucket list?

I am lucky that I have been able to tick off some things from my bucket list already, such as visiting places around the world that my Grandfather visited when he was in the Navy.  I have also been on a sunrise gallop along a beach in Morocco on a beautiful Arab horse (it was so amazing, I did the sunset trek as well). I do still want to see the Northern Lights, I have been to the Arctic Circle twice and have still not seen them  - so hopefully third time lucky.