Jonathan Newton

Jonathan Newton

Lettings Consultant

What is your role at tlc?

Lettings Consultant

What is your background?

Prior to working at tlc, I was living and working in Jersey in the financial services industry working as a Fund Administrator. I'm half Irish and half English,  grew up in the Hertfordshire and studied in Ireland. 

What values drive you? 

Honesty, Integrity and Willpower/Hard work

What are your objectives for tlc over the next 12 months?

To to build relationships and hit our targets, striving to be better each day

What do you enjoy doing outside of the office?

I love to travel and surf when I'm back home. In London I really enjoy running, and I recently completed my first marathon.

What is your favourite song?

Baba O’reilly – the Who

What is one thing that might surprise people about you?

I spent 3 winters living in France and can speak some French

If you could be any animal, what would you be?

A lion

What are three things on your bucket list?

  1. Ski in Hokkaido Japan
  2. See the Seven Wonders of the World
  3. Master another language