Kamal Patel

Kamal Patel

Block Manager

What is your role at tlc?

Block Manager

What is your background?

I come from a customer service and banking background. I have been in the Property sector for a few years now and hope to continue my journey in this field.

What values drive you?

Kindness, Honesty

What are your objectives for tlc over the next 12 months?

In the next 12 months I would like to get to know my colleagues and clients better. I would like to better learn all aspects of my job and strive to be the best block manager I can possibly be.

What do you enjoy doing outside of the office?

Outside the office I enjoy playing all sports. I am especially fond of Cricket and Football. I also like keeping fit and visit the gym regularly.

What is your favourite song?

Too many to pick one!

What is one thing that might surprise people about you?

I have never had a cup of tea or coffee ever!

If you could be any animal, what would you be?

If I was to be any animal, I would be a wolf. They are strong, intelligent, caring, playful and above all they are very loyal.

What are three things on your bucket list?

3 things on my bucket list would be

    1. Complete a Sky Dive
    2. Go to an Ashes Boxing Day Test Match at the MCG in Australia.
    3. Visit the Galapagos Islands.