
July 4th 2023 / Share this Article

At tlc Estate Agents, we are committed to enhancing our clients' experiences by collaborating with local businesses to provide exclusive discounts and offers. Our intention is to promote reputable establishments within the Kensington & Chelsesa community, including nurseries, cafes, hairdressers, and various other businesses.

However, it is important to note that tlc Estate Agents cannot be held responsible or liable for any issues, concerns, or disputes that may arise from the use of the discounts or services provided by the participating businesses. While we make efforts to partner with trustworthy and reliable businesses, we are unable to conduct comprehensive due diligence on each individual establishment.

We strongly recommend that our clients exercise their own judgment and conduct their own research before engaging with any business participating in our discount scheme. This may include reviewing customer reviews, assessing the business's reputation, and considering other relevant factors. Your interactions and transactions with these businesses are independent of tlc Estate Agents, and any potential issues should be resolved directly with the respective business.

By participating in our tlc VIP discount scheme, you acknowledge and understand that any engagement with the partner businesses is at your own discretion and risk.

Please feel free to contact us if you have any questions or concerns regarding the local business discount scheme. Your satisfaction and experience remain our top priorities.

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