How's the Market | May Update

May 31st 2024 /Videos / Share this Article

Shock News! The market is really good right now. My favourite dinner party question has recently led to more wine being poured in my glass folks. In the first half of this year, we have agreed 43 sales. To put that into perspective, we sold 47 properties in the whole of 2023 and according to Rightmove, were the leading sales agent in Kensington. We're registering on average 40 new buyers a week. We have too much stock rather than too little (I'm not complaining btw) and shock shock: we have had 8 bidding wars on different properties in the last 20 sales agreed.

The election has been called early and of course this may stall the positivity in the air but if you are thinking of selling : then give us a call and get the property on the market this June.

Oh and by the way, do come to all and any of our music and theatre events during June too

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